
How to block a program from accessing the internet in Windows 10 and 11

The most effective way to block a program on a Windows device is by using Windows Firewall.

Here’s a simple guide on how to do it:

  1. Open the Start Menu and go to the Control Panel.
  2. Click on Windows Firewall in the Control Panel.
  3. On the left panel, click on Advanced Settings.
  4. Click on Outbound Rules. This is where you can revoke internet access for any particular app.
  5. In the Actions panel on the right side of the window, click on New Rule.
  6. Here you can select the type of firewall rule you want to create. Choose Program and then Next.
  7. Select This program path and click the Browse button to find the executable file of the program you want to block. Then click Next.Note: Alternatively, you can type in the application pathway if you already know it. An application pathway is usually one of the following:

    C:\Program Files\name of the app you want to block.exe

    C:\Program Files(x86)\name of the app you want to block.exe

  8. At this point, you can further specify how to block the app from the internet. Click Block the connection, and then click Next.
  9. Select when the rule applies (you can usually leave the defaults: Domain, Private, Public), then click Next.
  10. Give your rule a descriptive name. You can use the name of the program or write a brief note about what the program is for. Naming your rules helps you remember which apps you’ve blocked, enabling you to easily undo the block when it suits you.
  11. Click Finish.

That’s it — Your new rule is now active! You can view all of your rules in the Actions panel under Windows Firewall > Advanced Settings> Outbound Rules.

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